Meist / About us

Ühingu põhikirjaliseks eesmärgiks on vanemaealiste kaitstud huvid ja vanusesõbralik ühiskond.

MTÜ Kuldne Liiga on 2012. aastal loodud huvikaitseühing ealistel põhjustel diskrimineeritud spetsialistide esindamiseks. Tänaseks on teemadering laienenud ja ühing tegeleb kogu vanemaealiste teemavaldkonnaga, et vanemaealisi aktsepteeritaks ühiskonnas ja tööturul võrdväärsetena.

Kuni 2020 aastani toimus tegevus liikmete ja toetajate vabatahtliku töö ja annetuste abil. Alates 2020. aastast on ühing keskendunud vanemaealiste huvikaitse edendamisele Eestis.

2020 – 2021 viis Kuldne Liiga Euroopa Komisjoni struktuurivahendite toetusel ellu projekt “Vanemaealiste huvikaitse võimekuse arendamine”.

2022 – 2024 sai sotsiaalministeeriumilt toetuse vanemaealiste huvikaitseprojektile „Vanad-noored võrgustuvad koos (NOVA)“. Selle projekti abil on Kuldse Liiga eestvedamisel loodud üleriigiline vanemaealiste huvikaitsevõrgustik, mis on strateegiliseks partneriks sotsiaalministeeriumile. Võrgustikus osaleb 24 asutust ja organisatsiooni, kes tegelevad vanemaealistega erinevates valdkondades.

Ühing on osalenud vabariigi valitsuse Heaolu arengukava 2023 – 2030 koostamise protsessis. Samuti tegeleb ühing omavalitsustes vanemaealiste nõukogude loomisega ja nende töö juhendamisega. Käesoleval ajal on loodud vanemaealiste nõukogud 25s omavalitsuses 79st.

Põhjalikumalt vaata: Kuldse Liiga lugu.

About us

NGO Golden League

The aim of the association is the protected interests of the elderly and an age-friendly society.
The NGO Golden League is an interest protection association established in 2012 to represent specialists discriminated against on grounds of age. Today, the subject-matter has expanded and the association deals with the entire topic area of older people so that older people are accepted as equivalent in society and the labour market.

Until 2020, the activities took place through voluntary work and donations from members and supporters. Since 2020, the association has focused on promoting the protection of interests of older people in Estonia.

in 2020-2021, the Golden League implemented the project “Development of the ability to protect the interests of older people” with the support of structural funds of European Commission.

2022-2024 received support from the Ministry of Social Affairs for the Parental interest Protection Project “old-youths networking together (NOVA)”. With the help of this project, a national network for the protection of interests of older people has been established under the leadership of the Golden League, which is a strategic partner for the Ministry of Social Affairs. The network will be attended by 23 institutions and organisations dealing with older people in different areas.

The association has participated in the process of preparing the welfare Development Plan 2023-2030 of the Government of the Republic.
The association also deals with the creation of elderly councils and the coaching of their work. Currently, councils for older people have been set up in 22 out of 79 municipalities.

The association has participated in the process of preparing the welfare Development Plan 2023-2030 of the Government of the Republic.
The association also deals with the creation of elderly councils and the coaching of their work. Currently, councils for older people have been set up in 22 out of 79 municipalities.